Friday, March 12, 2010

Day 12

It's very hard to put yourself in front of some sort of screen. Whether it be a computer monitor, a television, heck even my phone without being exposed to the USA. Maybe that's why Canadians can be resentful of our American neighbors. I'm not saying that would be the sole reason but it could be a major factor. We can't get away from the American media. While we want our own country we are so exposed to the USA part of what is theirs become part of what is ours. Thank God for the CRTC though. I mean without them we would lose what little we already have.

Many times over the past month when I tell people what I'm doing I get the response "Canadian TV shows suck" and other variations on that sentence. I think that we have gotten soft with our media. We have the USA to supplement our own television so that gives us liberty to invest less in our own media. And it is the suits who have the money that are holding it back. That's why our music has flourished. Music is relatively inexpensive in comparison to produce. But our television and movies are for the most part ignored for one reason or anouther.

Now if the people who have a say and the people with the money got together and said let's reclaim our media and let's put something out that we can be proud of. Us as Canadians could be more proud of what we are producing as a country and not just what we are producing in hockey.

Over these past few weeks I've been watching a lot of CBC. The Hour, Q, Rick Mercer. Thank goodness that we have that otherwise I would have pulled out my hair.


When you get a chance listen to Wavin' Flag by K'naan and that version that they recorded with all the Canadian artists.

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