Friday, February 26, 2010

That was too close for comfort.

So this winter Olympics look like it will finish with a lot of Canada VS. USA match-ups. In Team Pursuit, and hockey. That's all I can think of off the top of my head. I'm sure there will be a lot of close calls.

That hockey game against Slovakia was stupid. Our guys totally relaxed during the 3rd period when they should have been playing harder and more offensively. Either way though we are in Sunday's match-up against the states and I hope we win.


A couple of crashes in 4 man Bobsleigh. Pierre Luders was really pissed after he came down about how many idiots were crashing. Seriously if you don't know how to drive a sled stay at home and don't come to the Olympics. It's not the track. The track is certified. There are more dangerous tracks out there. These "athletes" just can't handle it. I'm ticked too. Gosh!


On a happier note though we won a couple of gold medals this evening in short track speed skating. Yay! Cheryl Bernard also curled herself to a silver. It was a good game I have a lot of respect for the Swedish team they played. It was a well deserved victory on their part and while I would have wanted us to win I can't think of a better team to have lost to. They were very skilled.


People say Canadians have changed. I don't agree. We have always been this way. Either no one was looking while we are like this or we hid ourselves. Deep down most if not all Canadians secretly think we are better than Americans. We get treated like their doormats on so many levels. Then when we actually get noticed by them we are their hip friend that they like to brag about but really don't care to know. The best example of something like this is when someone is trying to be seen as open minded then makes the inevitable statement "I have a lot of gay friends." to in some way prove they are open minded and with it. But by merely saying that they prove that they aren't. Kind of like that. We maybe are expressing our national pride a bit more openly but it is after all the Olympics people.


And if you win a gold medal you are allowed to drink beer. I don't care how old you are.


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