Friday, February 19, 2010

Gold Or Nothing

So Jon Montgomery just picked up a gold medal in men's Skeleton. That excitement was so infectious. I seriously thought if I stuck my head out the window I could hear the cheering in Russell, MB. It's great!! Plus he's such a character the way he jumped on that podium and those goofy teeth/mouthguard thing he wears. It's great!!

But then I come home and start reading Olympic coverage about the USA Women's Hockey team and I got all riled up and angry. Not so much at them and what they were doing. They were only on Ellen after all. But more or less riled up and edgy because I want Canada to win that gold medal SO bad. Who's with me? This is such a serious rivalry we have with the US. As far as I'm concerned I don't care where we place as long as it's ahead of the Americans. It was stated so eloquently by someone other than myself. "but we just haven't gotten over them having our flag on the floor." and it's so true. Hayley Wickenheiser's interview with Don Cherry after winning really sums up our passion for the sport and our love for Canada.

We are a passive people. That's what makes us so great but don't come between us and our hockey.


In other news that is just as important yesterday we achieved anouther gold medal. I would have blogged about it but I did not have the time near an internet connection. So I apologize. Yes speed skating is a strength for Canada and that was affirmed yesterday in the 1000m women's race. Christine Nesbitt you are a hero!


Last but certainly not least I want to touch on the controversy surrounding these games. And while trying not to sound like a elementary student when I say this but the other countries are just jealous. Brian Williams (the NBC news anchor) put it best when he was interviewed by the great Jian Ghomeshi on Q, he said they are just cynical and the Canadians remind them of better times when people were nice to each other. That is it in a nutshell.

What about the luge death? You ask. Well I'm sorry that that happened but our track is certified it was JUST a tragic accident. This is the Olympics. This is the toughest competition in the world.

One last thing before I sign off the American and the British media have been very rude to us. But maybe if they took a drive through Stanley Park, drove around downtown Vancouver, visited Whistler and had a beer with some Canadians as they watched a game of hockey, (it doesn't even have to be a game that Canada plays in) they might realize just how awesome Canadians are and what we are really about.

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